Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If Biff had opposable thumbs and could check this blog

he'd be p o'ed as I did not mention him once in my master plan in my previous post. Biff however was very much a part of the plan. I mean we had a house, right? Next comes the loving and loyal dog. Thinking back I suppose I should have paid more attention to the animal rescue volunteer who said "I'm going to miss you like a soar throat" when picking him up in some random park in po dunk Alabama. In less than 10 minutes flat, we went from Greg and Kelly to Greg, Kelly and Biff.

Little did we know, Biff had a plan of his own. An escape plan. After arriving home from a fun night with friends at a Mexican restaurant we learned two new things about our new family member: 1) He can open windows and 2) He likes to party. Biff had managed to push open the window, break through the screen and crash a neighbor's five year-old's birthday party in their backyard in the 45-minutes we were gone. My neighbor was elated. Luckily we were alerted to the escape before we had to bust him out of the joint. But wait, there's more! He did this a second time. That's right. He opened up the friggin window...again. I was confused. Was he just really that smart or a devil dog. I was not impressed.

Fast forward almost exactly two years from that crazy day when I thought "lets go pick up a random dog in Alabama!" we could not love this handsome fella any more. Any one who has met Biff knows that he is not a dog...he is a person and he is the ultimate friend. Where else can you find someone who will greet you like they just won the lottery after exiting the bathroom? Biff has been there for us through it all.

As I came home from the NICU with Greg without Jack for the fourth day straight, I was tired and I was devastated. That sounds over the top, but I just was. I had not seen Biff for a while as my brother-in-law so kindly watched Biff while we were going through all of this. But this night, Biff came home. As I walked in, there he was...all wiggles as usual. I took one look at him and I just lost it. That night, Biff sat there with me on the floor of my family room as I hugged him and cried. He didn't move. He just sat there as any great friend would and was there for me. I'm convinced that any dog that ever comes after Biff won't ever compare. That's why when people see Jack and ask "is this your first?" I happily reply "No. We have a Biff at home."

Biff...not exactly to plan, but the best darn dog anyone could ever have.

P.S. Biff, because I love you so much, I vow to stop this plot that Uncle Eric and Greg have to make a saddle so that Jack can ride you one day. You're welcome buddy.

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